Join Kylti on August 29, 2010, for its First Annual "Fly A Haitian Kite Day" event in solidarity with the Haitian people (see locations here). At exactly 4:53 pm, people gathered from around the world will fly their Haitian kites high in the sky to remember and honor the earthquake victims. This annual event will celebrate the rising of Haiti and the Haitian people from the rubbles of this terrible disaster.
The Kylti Kite (project) is a metaphor for Haiti's rising
From the rubble of its trouble not surprising
To a future that's creative and quite imaginable,
Forging its own Aesthetic and Cultural Identity
In ways that are tangible
With the help of the human family
"Through all the arts as its rightful destiny"
Learn about the complete project here. Visit the dedicated project site: www.flyahaitiankiteday.org.
Haiti Cultural Economy Forum
August 20-21, 2010
Remake the Landscape, Retain the Spirit:
Strategies for the Rebirth of Haiti through Her Arts and Culture
Embassy of Haiti
2311 Massachusetts Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20008-2802
Registration is FREE and is now open! Limited seating. To register and for more information, please visit: www.haiticultureforum.com.
View other Haiti events.