Your Fate: I am the master of my fate, I am captain of my soul.

The Haitian Diaspora with all its knowledge, skills, experience, wealth, and love for her country is Haiti's best chance for change. It is imperative, however, that the Diaspora develops a strong vision for Haiti, organize itself well, plan and execute with determination and decisiveness. There are many obstacles to overcome, but together and with purpose, the tasks at hand become much more manageable.
Kylti calls on all Haitians in the Diaspora to unite for a better Haiti, and to advance the Haitian people.
We've heard it many times before, that Haiti's problems can only be solved by Haitians. So, let's begin with the first step of identifying who we are, what our capabilities are, where we are, and how do we direct our efforts to create a powerful movement for change.
Join The Kylti Movement now by registering below. You can begin to make a difference by leading a Fly A Haitian Kite Day gathering in your home city.
No one can deny the huge contributions that Friends of Haiti have had in supporting the Haitian people. They have come to love the country as much as Haitians themselves. Their sacrifices and devotion have saved lives, fed the poor, provided education to children, and much more.
Kylti calls on all of you to walk side-by-side with Haitians in uniting for a better Haiti.
Create an account now to enjoy all the benefits that our website offers.