Why Fly A Haitian Kite? For one thing, flying a kite is fun. In addition to having fun, Kylti's goals for this event are:
1. To remember and honor the 250,000 plus Haiti earthquake victims; 2. To create immediate jobs for artists; 3. To bring the Haitian Diaspora and Friends of Haiti together as one; and 4. To raise needed funds for Kylti's cultural and arts projects.
1. To remember and honor the 250,000 plus Haiti earthquake victims; 2. To create immediate jobs for artists; 3. To bring the Haitian Diaspora and Friends of Haiti together as one; and 4. To raise needed funds for Kylti's cultural and arts projects.

Board of Directors
LeGrace Benson, Ph.D.
Arts of Haiti Research Project
Michel DeGraff
MIT Linguistics & Philosophy
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Caroline Memnon, Esq.
Private Practice Lawyer
Memnon Law & Associates
New York, New York
Claudine Michel, Ph.D.
Department of Black Studies
University of California
Santa Barbara, California
Michèle D. Pierre-Louis
Executive Director
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Donna Thompson Ray
Fine Art Appraiser