Planning: Planning is bringing the future into the present so you can do something about it now.

Haiti, the Arts and Cultural Capital of the Western Hemisphere!
This vision is (KYLTI's) way of expressing the soul, the vision, and the life of the people of Haiti. Aesthetic and identity are the cause and effect of our mission.
To sustain and advance Haitian arts and culture.
To achieve our mission, Kylti's programs fall under three key areas: Social, Cultural, and Economic Development. These programs encompass projects in Education and Training; Research; Technology; Advocacy; Planning; and Enterprise.
Shortly after the Haiti earthquake of January 12, 2010, a special meeting was held between Marcel Wah and Stéphane Rosenberg, Cultural Attaché at the Embassy of Haiti in Washington, DC, to discuss the establishment of a new nonprofit organization. The purpose of the organization would have as part of its mission to support Haitian arts and culture; and the rebuilding and preservation of Haiti's cultural assets.
In February 2010, a small group of Haitians living in the U.S., and Friends of Haiti participated in a general meeting at the Embassy of Haiti to solicit ideas, determine levels of interests, and potential for collaborations.
Kylti registered as a nonprofit organization in March 2010 in Washington, DC.