Why A Kite Project? The Kylti Fly A Haitian Kite Day project is a metaphor for Haiti's rising from the rubble of its trouble not surprising to a future that's creative and quite imaginable, forging its own Aesthetic and Cultural Identity in ways that are tangible with the help of the human family through all the arts as its rightful destiny. Learn more

Project Objective
Fly a Haitian kite in solidarity with the people of Haiti. All kites will be made in Haiti, and money raised will further Kylti’s arts and cultural projects in Haiti and

Community Gatherings
Maryland, New York, Massachusetts
People from all over will gather to fly the kites beginning at 4:53pm. Learn more
Kylti has partnered with Plas Timoun for kids to fly the kites in Haiti.
The Caribbean and The World
Kylti calls on all corporations, institutions, groups, and individuals to to fly a kite in support of Haiti, its people, and to remember the earthquake victims. Learn more