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What are the cultural obstacles to Haiti's development? When it comes to culture, politics can improve or impede its growth and development. With respect to Haiti, there are some fundamental obstacles that may inhibit the country from moving forward and achieving lasting changes. Learn more

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About Us
A Unique Arts and Culture Organization

Kylti is a nonprofit organization created to sustain and advance Haitian arts, culture, and life.
We plan, research, develop, and implement arts and cultural initiatives to drive the social and
economic development of Haiti and its Diaspora. Our programs foster education, promote environmental awareness, sustainability, self-sufficiency, and empowerment through Haitian arts and culture.


Kylti is a variation on the Haitian Kreyol word, kilti, which means culture. Culture, unfortunately, is often overlooked by decision makers in terms of the impact it has on a society. It is usually seen as a secondary concept or placed low on the economic or political priority scale. However, it is called upon and given importance whenever people desire to express themselves, their identity, and show what makes them unique from others. In development parlance, the idea of culture doesn't seem to enter the picture until a city or town is considering ways to "revitalize" the area to make it more appealing to boost the economy or tourism. Kylti will pay special attention on this particular area. We want to communicate and make a case for culture and the arts as the economic engine of Haiti, or as the saying goes, the "bread and butter" of the country. Haiti must develop its own aesthetic and an identity that is purely its own--one that honors and glorifies its incredible history and rich culture.


At Kylti, we believe in doing things differently or, you might say, unconventional. We want to provide a set of lenses to help people look and think outside of the box, to raise questions and challenge the norms. And we do so to arrive at a new way of tackling problems and proposing real and lasting solutions to difficult or complex issues. We use Haitian arts and culture as the guiding principles to move towards a better Haiti, a prouder Haiti, and a more united Haiti.


Kylti's Manisfesto


Herb Bennett, Kylti's Cultural Visionary and Design Director, has captured our vision well in this Kylti Manifesto. That's a beautiful challenge to face!


To learn about how Kylti plans to achieve its vision and mission, see Our Work, then join The Kylti Movement to make a difference for Haiti.