Kylti's programs and initiatives uses Haiti's rich culture and artistic foundation to develop economic opportunities to artists, sustained growth, and self-sufficiency for Haitians in Haiti and around the globe. Our arts and cultural programs are very ambitious, but they seek to address job creation, new models of thought, address a Haitian aesthetic and identity.
We have identified some flagship projects to achieve Kylti's vision and mission. You can learn about other Kylti projects at this link.
Kylti's Fly A Haitian Kite Day
The Fly A Haitian Kite Day is a call to bring the Haitian Diaspora, Friends of Haiti, and people from all walks of life together as one for reasons personal to each individual. You can choose to fly a Haitian kite for peace, for love, for friendship, for family, or simply for fun. See a few photos of kite flying.
The Kylti Kite (project) is a metaphor for Haiti's rising
From the rubble of its trouble
To a future that's creative and quite imaginable
Forging its own Aesthetic and Cultural Identity
In ways that are tangible
With the help of the human family
Through all the arts as its rightful destiny
Learn about the complete project here.
Kylti's Haiti Cultural Economy Forum
The Haiti Cultural Economy Forum is a discussion on a shared vision for Haiti and how the needs of the Haitian people can be met using Haitian arts and culture to grow and develop. It is designed to establish alliances, mobilize available assets, and identify needed resources to ARTiculate Haiti’s future and its prosperity.
This Forum is organized as a working and solutions-based event to engage you in a new discussion about Haiti, one that has a focus on her arts and culture. By culture, we do not refer simply to its expressions in art, music, food, etc., but to all its intricacies in how a society functions, makes decisions, changes, and governs.
Visit the Haiti Cultural Economy Forum's website at: www.haiticultureforum.com.
Kylti's Lift-Up Movie
Lift Up, a documentary film by Philip Knowlton & Huguens Jean, will be shown for the first time at the Embassy of Haiti in Washington, DC on Thursday, December 16, 2010.
Kylti is currently fundraising to complete this inspiring and heartfelt film captured by filmakers Huguens and Philip shortly after the earthquake.
Read the synopsis and about the filmmakers here.
Kylti's Tanpri Arts Education Program
Tanpri is the Creole word meaning, a "plea for help." The program derives its name from a song created by Tiga, the street kid (shown in the picture above) in Pétionville, Haiti, who is without a home or family. His song pleas for a chance to go to school because he wishes to change his beloved country, Haiti. His living condition is expressed in the song in these words: "Map domi pil sou pil...Tankou mango yap vann nan mache." Meaning, "I'm sleeping on a pile...Like mangos sold at the market."
Tiga offers inspiration for a brighter tomorrow, but that can only happen if conditions are right and with a good education. A renewed education system in Haiti that is based on a new model that incorporates the native language of the country, Kreyol, and the arts. One that is provided free to every child with competent teachers and positive reinforcements.
Kylti's Arts Education Program focuses on the street kids of Haiti. The objective is to provide a structure that will allow them to function later in normal society and become productive citizens. Lean more
Kylti Fundraisers
Kylti will plan fundraisers throughout the year to raise awareness and share Haitian arts and culture with the public. Our fundraisers are either singularly organized by Kylti, or in collaboration with other Haiti or arts organizations. Visit our Events page to learn about upcoming fundraisers.