Kylti – A new nonprofit organization to help Haiti rebuild through its arts and culture is launched in Washington DC.
Washington, DC. Kylti, a unique nonprofit organization focused on developing Haiti through its arts and culture announces its launch. Kylti’s inaugural event is the Fly A Haitian Kite Day to celebrate Haitian culture and the country’s rise from the January 12, 2010, earthquake. The event is planned for the end of August of this year.
Kylti’s mission is to sustain and advance Haitian arts, culture, and life. Its purpose is to plan, research, develop, and implement arts and cultural initiatives to drive the social and economic development of Haiti and its Diaspora. Kylti’s programs foster education, promote environmental awareness, sustainability, self-sufficiency, and empowerment through Haitian arts and culture.
"It was a necessity to create this organization in light of the current situation in Haiti after the earthquake. In addition to the huge loss of lives and property, Haiti’s cultural assets have been hit hard. The country has a real potential for change, however, it is in grave danger of repeating the mistakes of the past. We believe that Haiti must rebuild with a Haitian aesthetic in mind to preserve its identity and rich culture. Our vision is for Haiti to become The Arts and Cultural Capital of the Western Hemisphere", says Marcel Wah, Kylti’s Executive Director.
Kylti is a variation of the Haitian Creole word, kilti, which means culture.
Kylti's programs and initiatives use Haiti's rich culture and artistic foundation to develop economic opportunities to sustain growth, and self-sufficiency for Haitians in Haiti and around the globe. Its arts and cultural programs are very ambitious, but they seek to address job creation, new models of thought, and to address a Haitian aesthetic and identity.
Here are just a few upcoming projects:
Fly A Haitian Kite Day – an event meant to gather communities in Washington DC and around the world to fly kites made in Haiti in solidarity with the Haitian people. The event will take place on August 22, 2010, 4:53 pm (Haiti earthquake time) to remember and honor the earthquake victims. This annual event will celebrate the rising of Haiti and the Haitian people from the rubbles of this terrible disaster.
Kylti's Cultural Economic Development Forum will take place on August 20-22, 2010. The forum will bring together key people from Haiti, the Haitian Diaspora, and Friends of Haiti to tackle the issues facing Haiti, and to develop a master plan for cultural and economic development of the country.
Kylti's Tanpri Arts Education Program
Tanpri is the Creole word meaning, a "plea of help." The program derives its name from a song created by Tiga, a street kid in Petionville, Haiti, who is without a home or family.
His song begs for a chance to go to school because he wishes to change his beloved country, Haiti. Kylti's Tanpri Arts Education Program focuses on the street kids of Haiti. The objective is to provide a structure that will allow them to function later in normal society and become productive citizens.
"We use Haitian arts and culture as the guiding principles to move towards a better Haiti, a prouder Haiti, and a more united Haiti," said Marcel Wah.
For more information on Kylti and its projects please visit our website www.kylti.org, or contact us by telephone at 301-637-4934 or email us.
Contact Person:
Marina Vatav
Cultural Communications Director
Phone: 301-637-4934